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Work hard and play hard. Trying to keep the dream alive,beyond my own kids. Promoting more green and less screen.

Currently reading

TGIT, Thank Goodness It's T-ball Day
Kevin Christofora
Magic Bat Day (The Hometown All Stars)
Dale Tangeman, Kevin Christofora
Nick's Very First Day of Baseball
Kevin Christofora

Fan Favorite

20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea - Jon Buller, Susan Schade

I love the underlying science and mystery, all the while tying in the baseball theme and history of the game.  Great images and illustrations with tons of fun!   This is one of the most appropriate words, pictures and story combinations geared to the correct audience.  I give this a 100% on the "Topic-Execution-Age, Appropriate"    (100% T.E.A.A.)